Saturday, June 12, 2010

VBS 2010 is a wrap

Last night was the cumulation of Saddle Ridge Ranch. Each child had their own idea of what the highlights were.
Our oldest was the "adult" in the play, earned by his ablity to memorize and being an incoming 6th grader this year. Of the VBS itself, the uncontested favorite activity of both him was the crosses they made out of burned out matches. I just hope the kids weren't the ones lighting all those bonfires before-hand.
Bob's favorite thing was that his birthday was Friday and now he's deca-dent. (10). His other favorite things were the imitation bacon bits...and singing, loudly.
Chip & Princess D both enjoyed their craft times immensely. They both brought home covered wagons made with real fabric! They also were proud to memorize the A'B'C's of VBS. (Admit your a sinner, Believe Jesus died for us, Confess your sins to him.)
Princess P and Si guy were there too, back in the pre-school/nursery department. Princess P had the coolest teacher EVER, getting to wash dishes, go on hikes with her "fire-fly lantern" through the halls, make crafts every day, and more!
Si Guy was in my room, which was interesting to say the least. His favorite parts were the pretend horses and cabin, the building toys, and being Captain Clingon whenever I paid attention to the "wrong" child.
It was first, and hopefully only year, being a lead teacher. I LOVED my kids. It was great sharing with them about creation, Joseph, Zaccheus, Jesus, and Paul. It was great seeing their beaming smiles as they realized God is into the little people. Now I get to sit back and watch the seeds we planted grow...(literally too. We planted grass seeds on Thursday.)
All in all it was a blessed year, a great time for all, yet somehow I'm still relieved that it's a wrap.

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