Saturday, December 25, 2010

I did not inherit the gift of wrapping.

My mom is a fantastic gift person. She has a knack for picking the right thing, and has always had wrapping down to an art. I remember as a kid looking on in awe as she wrapped gifts, from her perfectly organized tote o' rolls and color coordinated curling ribbon...always curled just so by her wrapping scissors. If I was really good, I could hold down the ribbon while she tied it just so. Her gifts were dressed for the best.
She did her best to teach me the fine art of wrapping. Buying quality paper with cheater guides on the back, crisp folding, and of course, how to curl the ribbon just so. 30 years later I still can't cut a straight line. I buy my wrapping paper at dollar tree. I CAN curl ribbon, but usually don't have any because anything resembling "web" in this house becomes one. The gift I just finished wrapping only has paper on five sides of the cube, because well, I can't find the "oversized" gift bag I bought for it.
So it's 12:20AM. I'm sitting here blogging, and I have all of FOUR of my kids nineteen gifts wrapped. (Miss D gets an extra because she didn't break the bank with her requests.) I have the stocking fodder in bags across the room, praying I get to them before Si Guy decides to move into our bed and realizes I'm not there. Moments like these, I appreciate my mom, and wish I could just wish her over here to do this for me. I need some pixie dust or something.
Hopefully the contents will make up for the packaging. Seven or eight hours from now it won't matter....the paper will be on the floor, later to be "rewrapping" gifts the kids "give" each other, made into paper dolls, or paper wads for a "snowball fight." We'll pick up after the fun, remembering the day and the King whom we celebrate. His initial wrapping wasn't too impressive either, but just look at the contents of THAT package.

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