Wednesday, August 17, 2011

With the kids gone, I should be getting so much more done, right?

Uh, maybe.  Eventually.  Right now it seems my head just can't get in the right space.  Case in point, I posted the "launch" post in the wrong blog Monday.
Granted, the last two days were only half days for the older ones, and Miss P only had a classroom visit.  Today is her first day, and it's also the first full day.    Kids out the door by 8, and retrieve them around 3.  Seven hours with minimal distractions.  Seven hours with no fighting.  Seven hours without dishes breeding everywhere.  Seven hours to clean, write, and hang out with my four year old (not necessarily in that order.)  Seven hours, every day, that seem to be floating along like a cloud on a windless day.
Si Guy is having a ball.  He has the t.v., the sidewalk chalk,  the computer, mom, everything for as long as he wants, when he wants it.  What's not for a four year old to like?
Mr. M is very matter of fact, unflappable, and seems to accept the new world order.  Life is progressing as it should.  What's the big deal?
The big deal, is princess P has never been a group of more than twelve kids.  She's never been away from family for more than half a day.  She's never had to stand in a lunch line, keep track of homework, or any number of expectations that are suddenly in her world.  Yet, she's not daunted.  She's excited!  She's ready.  She's fine.
However, I'm spacey.  I miss her chatter, her "help, and yes, even her arguing with Si Guy.....I miss how fast the time goes by with two kids, and the energy.  I'll get used to it.  I need to, because next year I won't even have one.  They will all be gone.

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