Monday, September 9, 2013

Turning 39 and other fun stuff.

Last Friday was my birthday!  I had a fabulous lunch with my hubby at Freebirds, and redid my home office in the butler's pantry.  It was a great day.  In the evening, we tried to take the kids out to Jason's Deli for dinner and shop at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.....while not a total kidaster, it still managed to get several of them declared digital free for Saturday.  Below is some of the fun stuff that ensued from that decision.

On Saturday the youngest three had to take baths three times!  Now my bathroom looks like a pigpen it has so much mud in it.  Why?  What could they possibly do to get that dirty?

Saturday morning:

"Hey Ms. P.  Where ya going with that dirt?"
"Up to my room to build a slug habitat."
"Uh, no.  back outside with that.  You may build your habitat outdoors and away from my garden."

A little later:
"What is that, and why is my porch covered in mud?"
"We're having a birthday party for roly polies."
All rightie then.

And of course, since it cleared 90...
"Mom, can we play with the hose?"

It's amazing what kids think of to do when they are unplugged.

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