Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Rarely, very rarely is my life about me. Ideally it would never be. My focus would be God, family, friends, community. That said, I had a "permission slip" from my loving husband to be horribly selfish this weekend, so I was.
On Friday, I shopped for a washing machine to replace the one we have, because one of the computers in it was permanently disabled by our tile floor. After four hours of childless shopping, I found one that would work, that we could pay for. (Always a bonus for us.)
I called my mother-in-love to get her house number, and she informed me that they decided to give us one they had. So my first birthday present was being able to do laundry at home for free! After spending last Saturday night and $80 at a laundromat w/ my husband and six kids, that a was an appreciated gift indeed.
On Saturday, E2 played in the pre-season football tournament for SMN 2nd grade. He was focused for both games, teachable, and obedient to the coaches. 2 wins later we went home. A rare day alone with one of my kids was my second invaluable gift. Seeing my "danger baby" start to settle down and grow up a bit was my third.
Yesterday I was the comic host for Kidz World at church. I had a blast and the kids were laughing the whole time. Even my son who hates staying for service had a good time.
In the afternoon, our entire family went to the zoo. We managed to get through Africa, see the elephants & the new polar bear, ride the carousel, and see the snakes, so everyone got to do something they wanted. The kids were cooperative and we had an amazingly orderly outing. It was our first trip to the zoo without a stroller or wagon, and it was amazing how less cumbersome the trip was without all the extra "stuff." I'm so thankful for the family I have and the time spent with them.
The afternoon was followed by an evening with friends, fun, and laughter. I've known most of my pals I hung out with last night for 20 years+. It's nice to be so rich in relationships.
Today we're cleaning the house and having cake...but the best is yet to come.
Someday we'll all be done with birthdays, and every day will be a celebration of another day in heaven, another day in love. This weekend I got too see a dim reflection of what that might be. So Happy Birthday to ME!


Dorothy said...
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Dorothy said...

Very nice!