Monday, October 4, 2010

It's so nice when it "feels like" FALL.

There are many ways I can tell fall is really here.

1) I have a deep set desire to clean my house, while I can still do it with the windows open.
2) The air conditioner has been off for several days, and the heat is not on yet.
3) "Pumpkin pumpkin in the patch, pumpkin pumpkin on the vine...."
4) Louisburg Apple Cider abounds in the grocery store.
5) Seasonal clothing rotation has begun. Out with the tanks and sandals. In with the sweatshirts and light jackets.
6) We need to buy Zyrtech in bulk.
7) Winter squash abounds at the farmers market.
8) I'm getting party planning e-mails from PTA.
9) The kids are discussing/arguing/begging about Halloween costumes.
10) Our fair city has deemed it 12 bag of yard waste month. (Oh how I wish this extended into NOVEMBER.)
11) The "it's fine" "i'm hot" "I'm cold" battle is brewing amongst our oldest three sons.
12) The kids are spending more time outdoors than in.
13) Football practice has been moved back 1/2 hour, due to "getting dark earlier."
14) I bought my sport boys long sleeved underarmor.
15) I'm seriously considering hosting a partylite candle party, because well, what's fall without candles, lots of them?!
16) Cinnamon is the "spice of the month."
17) We're going through more cocoa.
18) I'm craving pie. Warm, apple pie. Pumpkin pie. Chicken pot pie. any pie will do. Unless it's sold under a barber shop.
19) Cool room. Warm comforter. mmmm.
20) It just smells good. Crisp air in the morning, outside breezes mixed with cleaning supplies in the afternoon. Hot apple cider or hot chocolate in the evening, especially with popcorn. So many other wonderful autumnlicious smells. So glad that we're just starting to fall into fall.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Hehe...especially like #18!