Monday, October 11, 2010

Super Saturday.

Last Saturday was indeed super, with different parts of the day focused on each of the three musketeers.
At a bright, early, 7:30ish we were at a local racetrack sweeping the stands and picking up trash as a fundraiser for E2's football team. It took until about 9am for our "team" to complete the task. The boys had a good time and learned the association between work and reward. Certainly beats selling stuff in my opinion. My kids got a glimpse of how the "world" lives.
"Mom, I don't think I want to come here to watch races."
"Why not?"
"Look at all these beer cans. They must drink A LOT of beer!"
"And all those cigarettes. gross."
I'm glad my kids think beer and cigarettes are gross.

For the next phase of the day I took our almost 12-year-old son to Ren fest for his "birthday". Spot on perfect weather! He leaped lizards, bungee jumped, threw sharp and pointy things (okay I threw them too), and won an oriental dragon for his little brother. I window shopped extensively and watched him on well muscled-sweaty- shirtless man powered rides. We both had a great time. We brought home trinkets from the games for his siblings, so they didn't feel too left out.

In the evening I took E1 coat shopping, and came home with two shirts for our oldest. I promised him we'd try again, and really enjoyed having his critical eye along going through the clothing stores. Poor kid has taste. Better start saving his pennies now.

All in all it was a fantastic day: time alone with any of my kids is hard to come by.

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