Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm so grateful to be super busy

this week and next.   Between VBS, pool passes, day camp, and finally moving (I hope), the time between now and the 20th ought to just fly by.  What's so signifigant about the 20th?  That's the date I'll have t.v. and home internet available again. 
Now, I'm quite willing to take digital breaks.  I've been known to declare digital free days to make sure our kids stretch out their bodies and their minds.  I've lived for 10 months without internet, and the first 10+ years of my marriage without anything resembling cable.  The difference between that and this, is then I had a choice.
This time we don't.  We were going to just switch our service over to the new place when we moved.  The date for our move has been moved back.  Fine, we call Time Warner, and inform them the switch needs to be pushed back too.  They say no problem.
Fast Forward to last night, when I sit down after dinner to get some quality computer game time in for the first time this week....and there's no internet.  Okay, our modem has flaked out before.  I'll just turn on the t.v.  No cable.  Greaaat.
Mr. M calls.  Turns out they only switched the turn on date at the new house, or so they say.  Well, mistakes happen.  Turn it back on. 
They say no can do.  It would take a service call.
Why?  They didn't send someone over to turn it off.  Just flip the same switch and turn it back on?
Sorry, since they removed our address from the system, they are required to send someone out, and they can't do that until the day it's supposed to switch anyway.
Whatever.  We know how to find free WiFi and hunt out a new service.  Besides, we have a friend who works for At&T.  U-verse shouldn't be a problem.
So U-verse it is.  Installed at our new residence on June 20th.
Here's hoping we live there before then.

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