Monday, September 19, 2011

Just another day with Si Guy

Today has been a very amusing one.  This morning we went to the "extreme thrift" store run by the school district.  There, Si found a free "monkey."  (It didn't have a tail, so it was really an ape, but HEY...he's four.)  This monkey has all the colors of the rainbow, thus it was dubbed "rainbow monkey."
"Mom!  Rainbow monkey has a BUTT!"
"So it does."
"Butt!!!  Tee-hee.  I like butts!"  (Yep, he's four.)
"That's nice dear.  It's okay for rainbow monkey to have a butt."  (Um, hold that thought...something's wrong here.)
Repeat monkey butt comment at park...and then finally home to watch How to Train Your Dragon, twice.
There's a lot you can learn from a kid's movie.
This particular kids movie is about not making assumptions.   (Yeah, there's that butt reference again.  Seems to be the theme of the day.)
It's also about giving others a chance, and getting to know those who are different than yourself.  There's even a message about trying new things, although I don't envy the dragon training kid.  I don't think I'll ever like raw fish. 
I just caught Si jumping on the couch.
"Don't jump on the couch Si."
"But Mo-om!  I'm trying to fly!"
Never a dull moment. 

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