Saturday, January 7, 2012

A pretty perfect Saturday.

   Today was the first day of Upward basketball games for the kidlets.  Martin took them, and I stayed home with the oldest two to OD on digital.  What was really fun was how with the girls games, he'd just send me scores, or Miss P's case, "herd reports."  When our tall skinny athletic kid played his first game, he started keeping stats.  0-1 for baskets, but honey, he got two steals, a rebound, and forced a turnover.  (Guess what sport my man likes best?)   Besides watching the kids play, KSU stomped MU in college ball.   I also made stew for dinner, so Mr. Man couldn't have had a better day.
   The grandparents took the youngest three after the first set of games, so the oldest three didn't have to share the Wii, or worry about the "content" of what they were playing as much.   Mostly they were being owlish, (Guardians of G'hool)...but there was some racing and Lego Star Wars in there too.
   As for me, other than making dinner and doing some laundry, I pretty much let everything go today.   I went through friends and friends of friends pages on Pinterest, discovering all sorts of skills/recipes I want to try.  It was good to recharge...for tomorrow is further on and further in.

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