Friday, May 11, 2012


You'd think with everything going on lately I'd be writing on here more, but there's an inverse relationship between the amount of stuff worth writing about and the time available to write it in.  That, and I've been doing a bunch of "busy" writing lately,so the more creative stuff has taken a back burner.
With VBS only a few weeks away, I have been busy writing schedules, lesson ideas, craft plans, and supply lists.  Another writing project diverting me is making a list of every book I can remember reading.  The idea for this project came from here.
But enough about the mom!  Here's the kid summary of late.

Our oldest is about to complete seventh grade.  He's been promoted to Patrol Leader for camping in his Boy Scout Troop.  He's going to be selling hot dogs and snow cones at Old Shawnee Days from our church overhang.  (This fundraiser pays for our youth's summer trips, so please stop by if you're around!)
He's grown taller than Grandma, but not quite taller than me, this year.  He's starting to realize that he can't schmooze his way out of everything.  I expect next year will be a bit smoother at school.

E1 is having a fantastic spring!  He was accepted into the 6th grade Pre-Algebra program.  He was "darth cello" for the SMN area strings festival.  Today, he found out he was chosen to play his cello in the school talent show.  He enjoyed his last field day as a participant.  (6th graders work it and then have their "olympics" at one of the high schools.)  He just went to Exchange City earlier this week.  His "adult" job was web-site designer.  Next weekend, he'll be performing with his ROAD class at the Folly Theater.   He's a bright, accomplished kid.  He knows that in his head.  I'm hoping it will take to his heart soon.

E2 is just enjoying life as always.  He's looking forward to summer, where he can daydream, bike, and play with his water rocket.  He may be hanging up his football helmet for culinary classes this year.  We'll see how it all works out.

Princess D is already chafing for the workbooks of summer, and the pool.  Not that she isn't having fun at school.  She is!  She had a great time at field day (except when her little sister beat her at a game),  and is having her "dot auction" in EL on Monday.  She finished the entire Sparks program and review this year.  She has a shiny new plaque to show it!

Princess P has thrived in Kindergarten.  She's feisty, determined, and a ray of sunshine.  She's even managed to keep track of both pairs of her glasses for a whole year!  First grade is coming....

And so is Kindergarten for my Si Guy!  Ack!  I don't know what I'll do without my little companion in August.  I know he's ready.  He was counting on the Abacus earlier today.  He can cut out shapes and write his name.  He'll still give hugs freely but "no kisses mom! Blech!"  My baby is turning into a big boy indeed.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

I very much enjoyed reading this update about all your sweet (not so little) blessings!