Friday, August 17, 2012

One week down for Si Guy!

Short week it was.  The verdict:  School is GREAT mom!
Upon pickup his teacher informed me how transformed he was by his haircut.  So transformed she thought he was a misguided full day student, and sent him on down the hall.  He was returned.   Doh!  Note to self, schedule haircuts for before school starts.
Walking home he was full of chatter.
"What did you do today?"
"We had art! "
"What did you do in art?"
"We read a story." Okaaay.  A few minutes later...
"Mom, a bug!"
"It's okay.  It's just a cicada."
"Wow!  That's a big bug.  They're loud."
"Mmm,hm.  See that hole in the ground.  That's probably where he came out."
Then the inevitable...
"Mom, can we go to Quick Trip?"
At Quick Trip, "Look mom!  A bird!  A hummingbird!"
"Uh, no Si.  That's a dragonfly.  But the way it uses it's wings to hover is kind of like a hummingbird."
So now we're home.  He's eating hot dogs, running back and forth between the living room and his room singing random songs.  I'm glad he's back.

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