Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today has been a bake-and-clean -a-thon for my darling husband...a last minute shopping and recipe checking event for me, and a whole lot of digital for the youngest three.  Our teenager is around here somewhere too, but he's pretty good at hiding when he smells housework.

After my second store run though, I had had enough.  We turned off the digital and kicked the kids outside.  It worked for a little while.  There were scooters flying down the sidewalk, neighbor kids to exchange yards with, and leaves and sticks to investigate.  Then they got thirsty and came inside, to find dad watching basketball.  This is where kid-watching today got entertaining.

Have you ever watched an eight year old play monopoly with a five and six year old?  It was an absolute riot.  "Mom, what's 500-106?"  Yes, let's break the big bills and get all our "change" in ones.
Let's buy houses....Let's abandon the game to play house!  Or wrestle.  Or play sesame street chess.

"Mom, we need some more games?"  (Yes we do.  It may be our family christmas thing this year.)
"Mom, look, I made a sling."
"Did you hurt your arm?"
"No, I just wanted to see if I remembered how.  Now I'm going to practice using only one hand for the rest of the day...but I put my right hand in the sling because I'm left handed."

With our GF/DF boy at Grandma's we had pizza for dinner.

Then there was the meaningless threats after dinner:

I swear if I hear the "minecraft" version of "dy-no-mite" one more time, that kid is going to be cleaning the baseboards in both the bathrooms.
Who wants to go to bed at seven o clock? (I do!)
Don't even think of touching those pies/rolls tonight or you won't get any tomorrow.
Did you ask to use that?  Hmmmm?
Forget it.  I'm going to hide at the computer and work on Nano for a while.
I emerge from my November novel writing project and it's soooo quiet.
"Where are the mini-minions? Are they all in bed?"
"yeah." the husband grunts from his computer.
They did get their hugs.  Sometimes I'm just too distracted by the urgent to pay attention to the important.  My family is what I'm thankful for....not just my baking/cleaning husband, but all of them.  So tomorrow we're alll just going to relax and enjoy the day.

Happy thanksgiving!

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