Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oh, what a beautiful morning........

It's a quarter till nine, and the three kids I have home are all still sleeping. The house is cool and quiet. What a wonderful time to reflect on our day yesterday.

Yesterday we took a big step around here. Mr. M & I turned in an application to live in our dream 1860's white brick plantation style home w/ hardwood floors, a large kitchen, tons of storage, boiler heat, & two outbuildings on a treed seven acres. We'll find out if we get to live there tomorrow. So my day today is focused around staying calm, and trying to trust God. He knows what's best for our family after all.

Then Mr. M went to a meeting at work, and I went home. The kids got some r & r indoors, and we found our swimwear to proceed to Splash Cove.

Bob went down the big slide 40 times! He was kind of excited to finally be tall enough. Princess P took on the water playground w/ all the mini-slides with gusto! She wasn't real crazy about the bazillion gallon conch shell bucket, but soon figured out it's cycle and darted up to play in between. She was amazed there was an entire water park just for her.

Si Guy wasn't so sure about the whole thing. His first response was to cling to mom and cry. That playground sprayed your face! What nerve. We eventually headed over to the mini-wave pool, and the change in his face was amazing. THIS was baby nirvana. Gentle fountains, water splashing over your feet that's warm, and mom always within touching distance. And hey, this place has snacks. It can't be all bad.

By eight o clock the adults had experienced enough of Babes in Water-toy land, so we gathered the troops and headed to the find that we had locked the keys inside. We don't take our cells to the pool, so we had no keys and no phone. Nice.

God looks after us. We attend church across the street. It was open. So we duck in, get a dry diaper for Si, use the phone to call our insurance, and are invited to stay for the forty minutes until help arrives. So even though we were stuck out at bed-time, with tired kids, God provided us a dry place to hang out. We spent the first 20 minutes hanging around the library, changing,etc. We then headed out to the playground. When the kids tired of that, Wonderscope's garden was across the street, *and* there were fireflies. A little after 9, the lock-out service arrived, and to the kids it wasn't scary at all. They just got to stay up late and play at some of their favorite places. They were totally oblivious that they "couldn't" go home. They were safe and happy where they were. Now they're getting their rest at home, and it feels so good to be here. I wonder if this is what it will feel like in heaven.

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