Monday, June 8, 2009

IT's VBS Week!

My apologies for being off the last few weeks, but I've been very busy getting ready for the Boomerang Express! I am the snack coordinator for the preschool department, as well as the four year old teacher this year. Today was our first day, and we are blessed with 30+ children, and only three of them are mine this year. I love VBS. I love the energy, the focus on sharing God's Love with young souls, the crafts, the snacks, not so much the teaching, but God has blessed me with J as my assistant for the 4's, so she does that part.

Today's highlights:

In the car on the way.
"Hurry Mommy! We have to catch the Boomerang Express!"
"What's it about?"

In my class, we have four girls and two boys. We're the "green team." Our church provides each preschooler with their own T-shirt in their assigned color along with their leaders to help keep everyone together.
They are all so sweet. They loved playing "Trace a Mate", and blowing our train whistle. At the end of the day, every single child had already memorized our verse for the week. "God loved us and sent his only son, Jesus."
And about half of them could do a word for word on the verse of the day, "Grow in Him."

Our snack was especially successful, so I thought I should post it here for those of you who read for my occasional "allergy friendly" recipes. Today we had Train wheels.

1 Rice cake per child.
1 hulled fresh strawberry per child
banana semi-circles
melted Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips.

Spread chocolate on hulled end of strawberry. Center on rice cake, pointy side up. arrange banana half slices w/ corner to center to look like the wheel is "turning." Decorate w/ chocolate stripes if desired. (Most of our kids desired!) Enjoy.

We are all so blessed to know God loves us! I look forward to continuing to share the Joy of the Lord this week! Peace be with you.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Sounds like day 1 turned out wonderfully! :) That's encouraging.