Thursday, September 17, 2009

The changling has returned.

I'm not referring to the naked toddler who's running circles around the house yelling "Wow! Wow! Wow! Wubsy!" like he's being chased in a game of duck, duck, goose.
Nor am I referring to the Princess who's learning to read and write.

No, the "changling" is the almost eleven year old who at times acts like he's 2. How can the same kid who helps get his siblings breakfast in the morning without being asked throw a tearful tantrum at dinner because he doesn't like rice? How can the same kid who stays after school to paint chairs for a fundraiser be the same one who has to be told five times to take out the trash? (and then blames us for making it "so full.") How is it our fault when his DS gets taken away because he didn't do his homework after school? How can this kid then joke and smile and then say "sorry" about leaving his laundry on the floor, and then fix it without a fuss? Will the real pre-teen stand up.
I now understand where the phrase "tween" came from. Still young enough to play with hot wheels but old enough to want a cell phone. No matter what his age, at least I know what the first words when he gets home from school will be. "Mom, what's for snack?"

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