Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Zoo of a weekend

Labor Day weekend was a whirl of activity in our household. Friday night football practice. Saturday cleaning day. Sunday, my birthday! Woohoo. The kids choir at church sang and we went to the zoo. I love the new red pandas, and enjoyed tiger in a log. The high point for the kids were snake feedings, petting sheep, and playing in the tree in the discovery barn. A good time was had by all, for the most part.
Sometimes I think the "D" in Princess D should stand for "Diva."
"I don't WANT to go to Australia. IIII want to go to the discovery barn NOW."
"Don't you want to see the kangaroos?"
"Fine, you can just ride in the wagon."
Off we go down the trail to Australia, with a pouty princess covering her eyes in the wagon.
She got over that as soon as we found the play area.
Then we proceeded towards the kangaroos.
"Look mom! Kangaroos! Aren't they cute?"
"Mom, we need to go IN THERE!" (In there was to see the tree kangaroos.)

Then we were off to pet the sheep, far and away her favorite activity of the day, and all of this was in, Australia. Leaving the sheep (and snakes, the boys favorite. real mice and all.)......
"That was the best."
"So you're glad you came to Australia."
"Yea-ah. Thanks mommy." (Big preschool hug.)
"Guess where we're going now?"
"THe discovery barn."
Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too.

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