Thursday, February 25, 2010

I love living in the now.

When I was an older kid/young teen, I thought I was born into the wrong generation. Now I know better.

It's so nice to live in modern times. Our dishwasher died a while back, and while doing dishes by hand for a family of eight seems like a massive chore, at least we have running hot water. When families our size were common, water was pumped from outside or brought in from a well or creek, then heated on a stove, possibly wood burning, and then washed by hand.
I'm grateful we have washing machines and dryers.
My thankfulness for the microwave oven will never cease. It's amazing to cook veggies in the bag they come in to perfection, then throw it away, to be able to make a final decision on dinner and thaw the meat quickly and safely the same day, and make single serving cake in two minutes and thirty seconds.
I love having the internet to connect with friends miles away instantly, keep posted on activities, and yes, play games on. I remember our first computer when I was a kid. It was an ADAM and I was in middle school. We still did our reports on my friend's electric type-writer with spell check. The full transition to computers really didn't hit full speed until I was in college. Yet I felt like a caged tiger when our home computer had been down the last couple of weeks.
While I thank Mr. Bell for the original telephone, I love my mobile phone more. Texting, being able to send pictures instantly, and having a way to stay in touch w/ kids at sports practices...what more can there be?
What new things will come out over the next thirty years that will revolutionize our lives like those of the last?
What will our children take for granted that we see as a privilege?
What do we take as a necessity to life that others can't even dream of?
Every day is a gift.

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