Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cooking w/ Si Guy

Every mother has those moments where she just swears that she "knows" her young child's destiny. Never mind what we "know" may change several times in the course of a year or week, we just do. Right now, my thought is that maybe Si will be some kind of chef. Here's some of his recipes for today.

Chex crumble.
Take 1 box of Chex cereal and dump onto carpet. Proceed to roll over with toy trucks. If that doesn't get a fine enough breading for your apple slices, scoop up handfuls onto the entertainment center and smash with hammer from "Whack a mole" game.

Smoked Salt
After mom makes popcorn in the air popper, dump kosher salt into top. I was going to plug it in again but she took it away. Meanie.

Take a couple of apples and put them in the blender. Run away giggling.

Cleaner cocktail.

Take Jet Dry that mom forgot to stick back in cleaning closet and pour into blender. Add some cereal for good measure. Watch mom panic and take everything away.

Yes, this has been a real quality parenting day......


MagenRanae said...

oh man! Maybe you should try actually cooking with him - in hopes that it might curb some of his creative juices!

Unknown said...

We do! He gets his ideas by watching. He'll be a great chemist someday.