Going back to school always does good things for our kids' confidence. They get to see their friends, pick out their own reading material, and have art every single week. It's nice for them to hear others say how smart they are too..cause I really don't count. I'm just their mom.
The football boys love having permission to squash other kids, and be cheered on for it even! They're reassured by having outdoor time every day, in school and out. They roll in the recognition on and off the field too.
The first few weeks are hard on my little perfectionist, but he too, is looking forward to school this fall. He may not be an athlete, but is sure to be a star mathlete.
Princess D is going to her first year of full day school...but she has enough moxie for five kids. She'll be the belle of the ball.
The little ones and I kind of relish the whole day thing. We'll be able to go to storytimes and parks. Maybe squeeze in some pet stores and the occasional trip to the zoo. Without that 11am must be x thing, I'm hoping to expand the preschooler's horizons quite a bit this upcoming year.
Fall is also our favorite time for camping. The coolish nights and warm days suit us well.
We have two kid birthdays in the fall. A trip to Powell Gardens and whatever the big kid wants.
I look forward to Wed. night bible study and PTA starting up again. In the fall, I get to crawl out of the mommy mole hole and stretch...and go, "oh yeah. There are people out there besides my husband and kids."
At this moment, we are at peace. Sure the schedule is full. Occasionally it looks like we have to be two places at once, but it'll work. It just takes work, that's all. It's a good thing peace is an internal thing.