Wednesday, July 7, 2010

to be rejoicing about a broken wrist?

Today, attitude of gratitude is suffering from the pain challenge. Pain like this is hard to deal with, because unlike childbirth, the prize isn't imminent. Yet the Word is pretty clear about being thankful IN all things, the top of my list today is that it says IN and not FOR. So here goes...

1) My husband, his servant heart, unending patience, and unwavering love. Would be nuts/unbearable w/o him.
2) His job: generous sick leave, flex time, sympathetic coworkers, and the ability to work from home.
3) modern medicine: this is fixable now. A few generations back it wouldn't have been.
4) Only having two kids home this week
5) My amazing network of friends, providing support, encouragement, and even childcare during my surgery
6) Outpatient surgery...happy to recover at home, w/ my own family & furniture. :)
7) The great Healer, who foresaw my stupidity, provided someone to watch my kids instantly so I could get to the ER, held an open next a.m. appointment w/ ortho, and open slot for surgery just as swelling had gone down....and more, So grateful God is into the details
8)Anesthesia & pain meds
9) our puter, for keeping me socially connected.
10) my kids, for their love and wonder,

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

So sorry to hear about your broken wrist. But, it sounds like you have found many ways to grown in your love for our Lord through this! Thanks for sharing.