Monday, February 9, 2009

Some mondays just feel like Monday.

Today it is raining and windy. Our older kids were all out of sorts before school. Our oldest was in a huff because he hasn't had a hot lunch in a week. Our second grader couldn't find his lunchbox and forgot his backpack. Chip was just his hyper happy self, which annoyed the rest of us who weren't awake or cheerful yet. Baby Guy started the day with an overflowing poopy diaper. Wonderful. At least Mr. M stuck around to help this morning. He is my silver lining.

The girls sensed my mood and chose to play in their rooms until nine or so. Baby Guy played nicely after his diaper change. I got a bunch of picking up and vacuuming done. Somehow cleaning always cleans up my attitude. Nothing calms rage like a vacuum cleaner. Except possibly scrubbing the kitchen floor. So my usually messy house is really a sign of contentment. My kids worry when I serioiusly clean. Their first question is "Who's coming over?" If the answer is "no one" their next one is, "who are you mad at?" Darn them and their perceptive little natures.

Now I'm sitting at the puter, and Princess P brought me a mirror book. The first page is about the sun. So she looks in the mirror w/ the sunbeams framing it and I sing "You are my Sunshine." My kids really do make me happy when skies are grey.

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