Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yesterday was groundhog day.

I can't believe how excited our kids were coming home from school. You would have thought they had had a party. The boys burst through the door after running all the way home.
"Mom. Guess what?! Phil saw his shadow.We have six more weeks of winter! "
(Uh-huh, as opposed to the 42 days if he doesn't see his shadow?)
Chip was sick, so today he caught up on his groundhog stuff. He is now wearing a groundhog hat and has a groundhog puppet that pops up out of it's hole.
What really cracked me up is that the zoo had "hedgehog" day instead. I guess any ole critter that casts a shadow will due. Why didn't they do "meerkat day?" At least they pop out of the ground.
Any way we look at it, I appreciate groundhog day. It shows kids that a holiday can be fun with no commercialism whatsoever, and that's a lesson worth learning.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Micah and I had our first annual ground hog day party this year! We invited a few friends over to have snacks, play games, and watch Groundhog Day the movie. Then, a week later, we had the same party over again. Invited the same friends, ate the same snacks, played the same games and watched Groundhog Day the movie. It was fabulous!! :)