Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting back in the flow of things

Today is the big boys first day back at school. They're excited to see their friends and were all in a great mood. I can't wait to see them race each other home and hear the chatter of "mom, guess what?" "Mom, you won't believe...." "Mom look!" The after school rush is one of my favorite parts of the day.

The younger kids are having a quiet day. It's wet and kind of cool outside, so they aren't real keen on getting out. Princess D is sounding out words and trying to teach Princess P how to write letters. Baby Guy is occupying himself by clinging to me, getting his perpetual runny face wiped and his clothes changed. He also likes to curl up in my arms when I'm on the computer and kick the keyboard. Right now he's watching Word World on PBS, which means it's almost time to pick up Chip.

After we get our kindie boy, we'll have lunch and take baths and maybe, just maybe, a short nap before the big boys come home. Then the real fun will begin.

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