Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring (Break!) is here.

Today was the first day the boys were home from school. It was a day for too much t.v. and video games. A day to see a friend. A day for them to unwind and for me to panic.
I normally am kind of stressed on Fridays between bills and shopping. I did head out to do my usual Friday marathon, but ended up chickening out after going through the drive-thru at BK. I just couldn't bring myself to go to Sam's with six kids alone, even though three of those kids were old enough to be useful as individuals. The thing is, we weren't going with everyone in their own bubble.

I have gone shopping with all three of the older boys with me, but not without their father being there too for quite some time, because boys trouble making tendencies don't add when they're put together. They become exponential. Somebody would be swinging their coat, putting fingerprints on the cooler doors, or trying to "cart surf" the whole trip. As soon as one boy returned to reason, the other two would spring into action. Add a napless toddler, a diva daughter, and a cranky three year old to the mix. I have not been praying for patience recently, so I chose to pass.

We came home and I cleaned and they played. It was really nice having the older kids home to help entertain the preschoolers. I'll miss them when they go back to school.

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