Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our big splurge.

DH recently splurged for me and let me buy a new steamer. It's the bright red Bissel 2x w/ attachments and a "spot shot" feature. It really does a great job. I haven't been this excited about cleaning in a long time. Nothing like a new toy to motivate me to get going again.

Today, our oldest asked me if he could "try it". Sure honey. Let me switch it to attachment and you can work on the stairs. Well, Si Guy evidently had dumped more dish soap on the stairs than I realized. Soon the tank was full, and we had bubbles coming out of the dry vent on my brand new steamer. I'm pretty sure it will all be okay. It just may take a few extra water only rinses to clear the hoses. It still has done a pretty fantastic job, and so has my son.

I never thought a ten year old would still ask for a chore. May it continue.

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