Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving week!

Thursday is Thanksgiving and we have much we are thankful for. I have a few friends posting their "1000" lists, and those are so fun to read. This is more of a how to "flip gripes into thankfulness" thread.

I truly believe there is wisdom in being thankful for "all things." Some things are hard to be thankful dirty dishes or being knee deep in various kinds of debt...except that it means we have dishes and the products/services that debt is for. It's easy to be gripey about student loans, but where would we be without Mr. M's education? How much insight would I have lost without mine? Other gripe to grace thoughts.

I often get overwhelmed by the faults of our home, but taking a house with "personality" allowed us to move into a great neighborhood. It also has a big back porch we like to eat on in warm weather, and a decent sized yard for the kids to play in.

The laundry for a family of eight is a massive affair, especially with toddlers and sports, but that means we have our six children with us, and they all have clothes, and we have the means to let them have "extra" activities. THOSE CLOTHES are mostly gifted to us through friends and family, including things for eleven year old borderline "husky". (Down to football pants for his practices. We are so blessed!) I only "have" to buy pants for the two slim sized boys. Our friends/family have truly blessed us in this manner, and that is something we are grateful for every day.

Feeding allergic kids can be a challenge, but that means we have the medical care to find out what was causing their issues, and the wide array of groceries available for them to have a varied and healthy diet.

So now I've started it...what gripes can you turn into grace my friends?

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