Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Princess P!

May four be your best year yet.

Our lil "Miss Grace" expresses herself very freely. From her toothy smile to her "evil laugh" she's great fun all the way around. This has been her healthiest year yet, and the first one where she has not needed a nebulizer. This is something to truly be thankful for.
She's started losing some of her baby fat, and her speech is clearing up. She knows her colors and shapes, but really isn't that academic. Her favorite thing to do is still play in her toy kitchen and tend her "babies"...be they talking doll or her jaguar family.
And of course, she just LOVES to help around the house...especially spray the rinse dishes with the sprayer, run the broom along the floor to scatter the piles of dirt, and crack eggs and stir.
She makes me laugh at least once a day. She plays mostly nice with her little brother.
She still likes to be wrapped in a towel after her bath and carried off to bed to hear a story...so I guess there's a hint of baby left, but just a hint.
She's in the fairy phase, where everything in life is magical. A twinkle, and a sprinkle, and everything transforms. Hopefully she'll never grow out of it.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

:) Very sweet!

Hoove missed her birthday, but should be here any day now!