Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What a weekend!

This last week has flown by. Friday, princess P had her "evaluation" by Count Your Kid in. Good news! She's quite bright..and I was really worried she might be impaired because she is so far behind where her sibs were academically at her age, or that I had failed to teach her as well. Neither is true. Bad news: She's far-sighted.
So, how do you keep track of glasses for a four year old??? I guess we'll find out in April.
Like a couple of my other kids, she sounds kind of like Donald Duck, so she'll be in speech too. I expected that.
Friday afternoon Mr. M & I were switching back to our old bank, with the 5,4, and 2 year old with us. Talk about cat herding.
Then we move on to Saturday. PTA auction day. I took our oldest with me to help set up. He did really great. In the evening, we went back and he ate his share...and then some. Then he was more or less free. He un-helped in the big kid room, bouncing a ball around and being generally wild with some other boys...so I kicked him out. He helped in the little kid room for a while, quite sweetly playing with blocks with the preschoolers. But mostly, he wandered around scrounging for leftover food. Human. Vacuum. Cleaner. It's okay though, he earned it by transforming back into the super-helper at clean up time.
Sunday morning Mr. M stayed home to work, so it was just me and the kids at church. I spent Sunday School frantically getting ready for AWANA store that night...and service reading Christianity Today in the Library while kind of listening to the sermon. The kids choir sang adorably. Princess D was front and center. Chip was towering next to her. I could hear Bob clearly. Our oldest baled to help with the spot light in Kidz World. He LOVES the booth. That's my boy!
Sunday night, was a Sparkie store night. It went smoothly. Mr. M came with, and played with our puggle and Cubbie during their game time. Always an adorable sight.
And that is why even though it's Tuesday, I'm STILL recovering from the weekend today.


MagenRanae said...

Sounds like a full and exciting life!

Mr. Puggle® said...

hey, i play with my puggle too. only he has four legs. :) yeah awanas! that is how i got saved.