Thursday, July 14, 2011

Have an attitude of .....

I feel like life has just snapped together this summer.  The kids are all old enough to dress themselves.  We've moved out of slumlords r us into our dream house.  We're making forward progress financially instead of just barely treading water.  Mr. M & I are both healthier than we've been in years.  The kids have activities they enjoy.  We're between the craziness of June and the back to school blowouts.  It's peaceful.
We've even had a "guest teen" to help watch the preschoolers a few days a week so I have time for unpacking and housework.  My inner skeptic keeps saying "this is too good to be true."
Overall though, I'm just appreciative to have an earthly example of God's grace.  I certainly don't deserve a breathtakingly beautiful home and free part-time child care, but I am grateful for it.  Here's hoping I can be a good steward of these great gifts God (and my friends and in-laws) have given me.
Leading me to one of our family mottos.
"What kind of attitude are we supposed to have kids?"
*mumble, grumble.*"What was that?  Are we supposed to have an attitude of brattitude?"
"Nooo.!  Mo-om."
"What kind of attitude are we supposed to have then?"
"Gratitude!" shout the tiny tots.
"Grat-i-tude."  mumble the preadolescents..
"And how do we express gratitude?"
"By not complaining."  (younger kid)
"By being con-tent."  (medium sized kid)
"By taking care of our stuff." (older kid rolling eyes with heavy sigh.)
"How does taking care of your stuff show gratitude?"
"It shows consideration for who bought it for us, and keeps us from having to be embarrassed by ratty things or dragged out again."  Ooookay.
"What else can help you show your gratitude is real?"
"Staying positive, (sigh) and not complaining about the work to maintain things."
All right kid.  You get a gold star.  Time for mom to start on HER example for you.

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