Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Take me out to the ball game...

This has been the request from our eleven year old for the last three summers.  So last night we finally did it. 
Part of it was timing.  Four of our kids are away between a church missions trip and camp grandma.
Part of it was super cheap tickets.  When going to a ball game is similar in cost to going to a matinee movie, the chances of it becoming a reality are much higher.
Part of it was who KC was playing against.  I enjoy Chicago based sports teams, so with me and the child ganged up on him, my husband didn't stand much of a chance.   Mr. M is not a baseball fan, but he is a fan of a happy wife.  So we went.
Once we were at the game, Si guy was the entertainment.
"Look Si, see how they stand and hold the bat?"Our seats were on the first base foul line on the lowest level, so we really could see.
"Uh-huh."  He takes an imaginary practice swing.
I spent a good deal of the 8th inning walking with Si, including a close up look at the fountains, and almost catching up to Slugger.  Oh well, next time Si.
And the eleven year old?
"Can we come again, soon?!"
I think he had a good time too.

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