Wednesday, March 7, 2012

WHAT a week!

Well, after miss P's birthday last Friday, everything rolled into fast forward.
Saturday we had  a wonderful church baby shower for one the sweetest, most domestic, wifey gals I know, who also is a high school English teacher!   The "cake" was cupcakes:  a row of blocks spelling her last name, with a cupcake onesie under it and cupcake flowers surrounding.   She got tons of cool pink stuff, and a few not-as-pink too.  It was kind of a mad rush after to clean up quickly because that same night  was our elementary PTA auction.  Lots of money made, a kitchen smoothly run,  food/beverage flowing freely.  This is a family blog, so I'll just leave it at whatever happens in PTA, stays in PTA.
      Sunday was a boy scout pancake breakfast, stretching in bed after grandparents picked up kids and getting struck by the DOH!  fairy.  It was the first Sunday of the month.  The kids were supposed to sing in big church.  So it was a text to grandma and a drive to the other church where the pancakes were to get our kids to our church in time to sing.  After that we came home for a fast lunch and were off to see THE Lorax, the last part of Ms. P's birthday celebration.  After that, Mr. Man fed the kids dinner and took them to AWANA and I went to bed, at 4pm.  No, I did not rise again fully until the next day.
     Even then, Monday was more sleeping than not.....except that Ms. P had a Petal ceremony for D-A-I-S-I-E-S.  She carried the flag for flag ceremony & got to be the D in daisy.  She was definitely quite the little star.  FLOWER POWER!
    Tuesday was laundry and Brownies for Ms. D.  Our dryer is temporarily out of order, so laundry right now consists of running the washer all day, then hauling five loads to the laundromat to dry after dinner.  That's where we hit the 6pm snafu.
 Brrring, from grandma"Can Isaiah go do his Den Chief thing tonight?"
      Then tell the husband he has to take 3 kids under 10 to laundromat and leaving for Brownies  very quickly before he thinks to switch jobs.
Then said Brownie gets sent home from school today.  "tummy ache" ...prob from all the cookies, doritos and cake last night.  We just don't eat that stuff that often.
     Today was pretty simple.  Mr. Man found out some good news.  I got to spend the morning planning a  family camping trip.  Then I spent the afternoon making soup from scratch as per the man's request.  Then I had a middle school PTA meeting.  Our nominating committee had the roster filled, except for the spot of co-president w/ Ms. M.    (an overall great gal I hounded out for the nomination, thankyouverymuch.)  Then we sat down to start the meeting, and she turns to me;
"Why don't you be my co?'
"What?  I'm no politician.  See me here in my sweats and a bandana in my hair?  Besides, we want an incoming 7th grade parent.  You want someone with tact."
She;s quiet for a minute, and then writes it on my agenda.
"Be my co-president, please?  We know we get along."
Then she sells it to the board, pointing out the real reason we wanted a 7th grade parent  was we just wanted someone who'd be around a while, and well, I have 5 more kids to go through.  I'll definitely be around.  That and she thinks I'm pretty smart.  We'll just let her think that.
So, I'm left wondering, how'd I get here? 
Tomorrow I have another PTA meeting.  At least I know there aren't any big surprises there.

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