Saturday, August 22, 2009

The first week of school

The first week of school is a bad time for mom's computer to be out. So much to say, so few keystrokes to say it in.

The big boys went back on Monday. Chips first day of first grade. First grade is so full of firsts. The first time he gets to walk home with his brothers daily. The first time he takes his lunch to school. The first time he gets a desk of his very own. Wednesday was also his first real full day of school. I got to see another first when I was at the school Thursday afternoon. Up on the bulletin board, was the first thing I've ever seen Chip color neatly. His teacher told me about how she had told him to do his best, and he had just scribbled the first one. She gave him another one and told him SHE knew he could do better....and he did. That orange and blue cow is the best seatwork I've ever seen out of him. It's comforting to realize he has a teacher who "gets" him, and knows he's capable, and willing to take the time to motivate him.

The older boys are in third and fifth grade. We've had Miss S before for third grade, and right away she made Bob feel at home and safe. He's quite content in her class, and excited to be earning his "cursive license" this year.

Fifth grade is uncharted territory for us all. Nervous parents packed the room on back to school night. Teachers tell us us how fifth grade brings on the first year with "real" projects, typed reports, and teachers with a hands off approach. Assignments are written on the board. It will be HIS responsibility to write them down and get them done. Homework is "supposed" to be about an hour a day. School is starting to get serious because middle school is just around the corner. Thanks for the reminder. Let's just get through this year for now.

Then there's kindergarten, and princess D. As our principal put it, "D has been ready for kindergarten for about two years now!" On Wednesday morning she's about to pop with excitement. We unpack her things, and she assesses the loot. She has markers, glue, scissors, a dream world in her five year old mind. "Bye mom!" is all she says. She's good to go. Starting next week, she'll be walking with her brothers in the morning. Four little backpacks, bounding down the sidewalk. She's only half day, so we still have the pleasure of picking her up.
She still gets her own time to rattle off the details of the day.
"Look mom, at my maze!"
"Today we colored this mouse!"
"Mom! Si guy is trying to tear my paper!" Okay, so it's not all quite so perfect.
Here's hoping the excitement of the first week of school can stretch the whole year.


Dorothy said...


MagenRanae said...

All of that sounds like a lot of fun! I'm glad you're excited about it. (Or were, since I'm reading these all so late)