Saturday, August 8, 2009

Media madness

Our oldest: "Why are you crying mom?"
"Sniff. Because. Beth died."
"UH, in the movie?"
"M-hmm." The boy was confused. Why would I cry about a movie? Shrugs it off as a girl thing. Smart boy.
Grinning mischievously..."Oh. Look what I found! Change. Ha. Ha. It's mine." He closes his hand around it again. " And mom...."
"Uh. Honey. This is a movie based on my favorite book-ever. Do you think this is a good time to interrupt me?"
"It is?" The look of incredulousness on his face was priceless. Why on earth would I like something that makes me cry?
"Oh, ok. mom." He retreats up to his room with his brothers, where I still hear them now, squealing over video games......

Some day he'll see the link. Really.