Monday, August 24, 2009

Ways I know school has started again.

We have to wash socks regularly.
The clog in the vacuum was a pencil gripper.
The t.v. is seldom on before noon.
We're buying juice boxes again.
The boys don't have to be reminded to wear underwear or brush their teeth.
The first words to greet me in the morning are "Mom, where's my...."
The preschoolers find their own clothes and shoes by 10:30, ready to "get D."
New backpacks. New shoes. In my living room.
Paper on the floor.
I'm up by 7 a.m.
I get celebrity practice: daily autographs required.
I can load the kids in the car in less than fifteen minutes during the day.
Emergency wal-mart runs for stuff for "tomorrow."
Our evenings are scheduled six days a week.
T.V. is off at 3:30...until homework is done.
Bedtime is enforced at 8:30, instead of 10.
Everyone's looking forward to Labor Day.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Hehe...I always love your lists!