Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to school!

The older kids went back to school for a whole two days last week, before being snowed in at home. This morning, they all were up before seven, and are now ready to go, about half an hour early. In some ways the last five days has been kind of hard. In others, it's been an even greater blessing than usual. Mr. M only having to go in to the office for one day while they were home was definitely my favorite blessing. I adore my husband, and always cherish more time around him, even when he's working.

Some of the best things about this week....

seeing our oldest eager to play outside, and acting like a kid. He is still a kid, but at eleven sometimes acts more like a teen, or young adult.
Having some extra time with Bob, and helping him make a hot air balloon.
Watching Chip and Princess D play together, whether dino's or dress up. The bond they have is really special.
Princess P's great excitement at having her "brudders" home...and their good natured manner of letting her tag along wherever they were.
Seeing Si Guy's reaction to snow taller than him. Mostly "carry me mommy!" Glad to have him be a bit of a baby a bit longer.

Sure there were moments when I questioned what on earth to do with six house-bound kids who were bouncing off the couches and beds and anything else with a hint of springiness, times when I though our house might fall down from all the activity, and just times I wished for headphones, earplugs, or a mute button, but overall the extra time with my kids was good. I am truly blessed.

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