Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Me vs. the vacuum.

Today I woke up ready to go. I made GF pancakes, got the older kids launched in time, and the younger ones occupied with toys. Then I was off to do battle with our little vacuum.
Our "real" vacuum broke beyond repair shortly before Christmas, so the mini-spot clean sized one has been filling in. So far we've been through three belts. Poor thing just can't stand up to the mess of so many kids. Today, it was not the belt. It was a clog.

I was prepared. I had a ziploc bag for screws, two screw drivers, and, oh, Hi guys. Two assistants.
Princess P and Si Guy were just fascinated by the magnetic screwdriver...the one I needed to use. Then they wanted to hold the screws. Then they "helped" empty the bin and look through the detached hose to make sure it was clear. No, I didn't let them use it as a telephone. Mean, I know.

An hour later I called dh because I couldn't get the brush roller back in.
His first words. "Good luck, I usually wrestle with it for about ten minutes before I get it in."
As I'm getting ready to hang up, begging for any last minute advice he says' " Oh yeah. One of the rollers has two flat sides on one end. Make sure they get lined up right."
Three minutes later, holding the vacuum upside down in an almost indecent arrangement between my legs, I get it in. Finally.

I turn it on. I clean a 2x2 square foot area, and I start to smell burning. Ack. The hose. Oh well. Dh can deal with it when he gets home.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

:( I don't envy you there! Sorry it didn't work out so well.