Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The things our kids take pride in us for,(sigh)

are not always what we hope. The classic is princess P.
"Mommy squishy! Hug."
She loves pointing out how "squishy" I am. And because I'm squishy, I give the best hugs. Uh, thanks. I think.
Most adults don't value "squishy". In fact, many adults spend hours at the gym and living on lettuce, yogurt, and branflakes to avoid becoming squishy, or stop being squishy. Women buy gut-sucker underwear and swimsuits to hide our squishiness....or at least smooth it out.
And yet this angst ridden "flaw" of the females of our species is something my daughter embraces in me, to the point of joy and pride.
I recently told my husband that if I ever did lose all this "squishability" I'd have so much extra skin I'd look like one of those little wrinkly dogs. Maybe I would be better off just accepting it. It is how God made me after all.

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