Friday, May 13, 2011

The end of school swirls ahead

May is a busy month for lots of people.  Graduations, field days, end of school, etc.
For us it marks the end of I's term as an elementary student.  This week is his last full week as a sixth grader, and as a sign that he's getting older, he's freaking out about an end of year project.  Personally, I feel this project did not have specific enough parameters for a child his age, but as his mother I can't tell him that.  It would just frustrate him more.  So instead I listen to him vent, and drop everything to take him to the library as needed.
On top of this project he also has a fairly extensive writing assignment that we spent over an hour doing background research for last night.  He spent an additional hour putting the bones of that assignment together.
Yes folks, my son spent about four hours on homework yesterday...and he's only in 6th grade.  I'm not outraged...because well, the library trip he could have made last weekend when I'd offered the first time.  And he had all this weekend to do the other assignment, but he had other plans.  So last night he just learned the lesson of scheduling.  Hopefully his intro course to homework management taught him enough to save him a few all nighters later when the stakes are higher.

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