Monday, May 23, 2011

shameless chilcare vent for therapy purposes.

Dear childwatch employee:

Si Guy used the bathroom before entering your area today.  I am sorry I forgot to check to make sure he had pulled his underwear all the way up.  Unlike your implications, he was wearing them & they have stayed there over 2 hours by themselves now, so they fit just fine. 
Thank you for bringing it to my attention the elastic had issues on his pants.  They didn't fall during the half hour we were roaming around school before we came to see you. Believe me, the school nurse would have had 0 qualms talking to me if they did.    I did take them out of circulation once we got home.  Apparently you've had issues with that pair of pants before.  We had not.  Neither had the nursery at church, the school staff at the elementary, etc.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
However, if you don't want irate parents when bringing issues to their attention, I suggest you talk to them, not at them: and treat them like an adult, not a naughty school child.  Your coworker who took your place understands that.
Working somewhere a long time is not a reason to treat your patrons poorly. 
"Saying, I've had 10 issues and no one else complained." doesn't matter. 
Even one person complaining brings you up to 10%.   And for every person that complains, there are several who just vote with their feet.
The question is how many of those people even bothered to come back?
I may have to start skipping Tai Chi every other Monday if this attitude from you comes around again. 

I've had a busy kid week.  (Read my blog below if you don't believe me.)  Besides what's down there we had a picnic on Saturday and VBS planning and AWANA awards on Sunday.  Did I mention I'm responsible for the entire preschool/nursery department for VBS?  I didn't get the job from a lack of experience.  I'm also a program staff member for Girl Scout day camp this year.  I have to pass a KBI check for that.  I'm not some negligent monster, despite what you implied from your cold behavior.  I am a slightly overwhelmed and overscheduled mother of six children, trying to meet the needs of each one. 

We're also supposed to be moving at the end of this week, so I'm a little preoccupied.   Usually when I change out clothes for the season I do have them try most of their things on for a fit check.  Because of the impending move, I did not have time for that this year.   So again, thanks for pointing out those pants were a 3 not a 4.  It's been dealt with.

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