Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Here comes the rain again

Drip.  Drip. Drip.  I'm keeping an eye on a leak in our ceiling at the base of our stairway, which is on an interior wall, thinking about the things I have to be grateful for in this storm.
I've been stress crying a bit lately, but I'm grateful for that storm too.
I'm grateful Si Guy had a great birthday.
I'm grateful my kids are in a school where I can be involved. 
I'm grateful my church includes preschoolers in VBS.
I'm grateful my daughter has the opportunity to attend day camp at a fabulous facility with fishing, horses, a zip line, and more.
I'm very, very, grateful that we will be in our forever home next week.
That means I'll never have to sit and watch my ceiling drip, drip, drip, again.

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