Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How a 10 minute errand turns into 3 hours.

Yesterday as I was doing some cleaning, (yes it happens on occasion), I decided we needed a new tablecloth.  Part of my sanity preservation plan is we don't use real tablecloths.  We use el cheapo flannel backed vinyl ones from our favorite local store.  I checked my cabinet I keep my reserves in, and it was empty.
"C'mon Si.  We need to go to stuff-mart."
"Yeeahahahah!  Stuff-mart!"
First is the great shoe hunt.
"I want to wear THESE!" declares the four year old boy in pink princess snow boots.
"Sorry bud, you could if we were going in the car, but we're walking...remember?"
So the great shoe hunt commences.  After locating the appropriate shoes and getting them on his feet, we head outside.
"Fine, but you have to wear a helmet."  So he puts on his sister's purple helmet w/ pink flowers.  Good enough.  We're just going to stuff-mart after all.  He then proceeds to scooter up and down the driveway while I find my wallet.
Finally, we're on our way, but so is a playground.  Eventually, we get to the store.
"Si, you have to leave your scooter outside. Right here."
"K.  No one will take it?"
"I don't think anyone is going to take a four year olds scooter and helmet.  It's not a twenty-year-old's bike."
Inside the store...."Halloween!  Trick or treat."  So yes, we have to look at every aisle in the holiday section.  That's okay.  I found something I needed for the yard.
Then we proceed to home goods, and Si Guy picks us a new table cloth.  Mission accomplished...except mom remembers the new Rick Riordan book has been released, so we head to the books/magazines.  On the opposite side of the aisle is greeting cards...
"Look, Halloween!"
" put them back."
By the time we get out of stuff-mart it's time for lunch.  So we walk/scoot over to the Bell.  We eat inside, and then it's time to head home, walking by the police station and the park on the way.
Once home, I get littlest man set up on the computer and the new tablecloth on the table, and wonder why I didn't get more done that day.

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