Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is it about scissors?

What is it about scissors and some paper that can keep a three year old occupied for hours? (and me too, unclogging the vacuum hose later.)

Princess is P is sitting behind me this morning, very importantly cutting out shapes and writing "letters" on them to her friends. Like any budding author, the first several renditions get crumpled and pitched.
She comes over to me. "More Pape! More paper. Pleeeeasse."
Pretty soon the floor starts looking like it's snowed inside.
Finally she draws something she's satisfied with, and leaves it uncut, uncrumpled, and spends forever putting together the final details.
We may have a real author in this family yet.


MagenRanae said...

:) Sounds like fun to me! Does she help clean up afterwards?

Unknown said...

Sort of...