Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kids, sometimes they are smarter than us.

My son is more competent today than I am. As in the 12 year old who's still recovering from a two day mega-illness.
I spent 20 minutes trying to open the battery compartment of our new air pump so I can turn our living room into a bounce house...I mean, try to find an air bed that doesn't leak. He popped it open in 30 seconds. Then he opened the batteries for me. Then I looked at the pump w/ the batteries in it, and saw they moved too much. My darling husband had bought "C''s. The pump required D's. Such is how my return from "brink of consciousness" life sucking illness has begun.
He supervised his 3& 5 year old siblings on the computer after lunch. My legs fell asleep in the bathroom.
He has quietly helped me look for the keys to the van, so I could go get batteries. Neither of us has had any luck yet. I'm mentally freaking out thinking "no keys, no van, no camping, aargh."
He just looks at me and says "they'll turn up mom."
I'm sure they will, but when will I?

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