Thursday, March 10, 2011

The plan. I think I have one

This is kind of part 2 of the fix me. So sorry for my kid story addicted readers, but really, this IS about my kids. It's about being there for them when they're grown up and have kids of their own.
Well, my other friend messaged me back. She's quite supportive cheerleader, health advocate, and amazing mom. Her first words were "Don't do Bikram. It's really not for beginners."
I'm glad to know my internal terror wasn't totally irrational. She then asked if I'd done anything about the community center.
And today I did, sort of.
Today I took my 3 & 5 year old to the community center to play at the indoor playground. Both on the way in and on the way out they had their noses pressed to the glass of the closed "child watch" area like Charlie at the chocolate shoppe. I consider this a good sign.
I picked up a class schedule and went home to discuss options with my husband.
He has given the financial go-ahead to do classes in the mid-morning with childcare because
1) I am NOT an early morning person. I'm rarely fully conscious before 7:30 am, let alone capable of dressing and driving to a 5:45am class.
2) Our evenings are kinda shot, with church, scouts, sports, chores, school activities, and well, possibly, maybe, a little family time once in a while?
3) For weekends, see evenings.
4) My dear husband is somewhat jealous of his time with me. He feels my Wed night women's Bible study and his Thursday night basketball is sufficient evening separation...really one more evening than he's truly comfortable with. Adding a Yoga class might destress me, but leaving him with all six kids would probably erase that effect rather quickly.
5) More scheduled daytime stuff would probably be a good idea for our two preschoolers, who at this moment can recite the entire morning lineups of PBS, disney jr, and nick jr. (I swear this is only a winter condition. As the weather warms we do spend most of our time outside doing more constructive activities. This afternoon they played for over an hour in their mud hole in front of the shed. Yet somehow, building your own pigpen and pretending to be pigs is not part of the official school readiness program, so again, more structured social time might not be a bad thing.)
6)I'm hoping that by exercising early in my day, my energy levels will stay in a higher gear for longer. Maybe I could get by with 1 can of diet soda in the afternoon instead of 3. Just maybe.

I've done all I am going to for this for now though. The next real thing on my agenda is our camping trip to Texas next week. After that, I'll fill my water bottle, buy a yoga mat and maybe some water shoes, and see how it goes.

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