Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today it's just me and the tweedles.

And for a 40 degree cloudy day after Spring Break, it's been pretty laid back.
This afternoon, I go on the great yoga mat hunt. at Target, because like Target. Decent stuff at a realistic price point, and also because the toy section is just across the aisle from the sports/fitness stuff, so maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to think, sort, prioritize.
Because bribery and blackmail is what parenting is all about. We just call it diversion, rewards, and other warm fuzzy words. Okay, it's not the focus of parenting, but definitely the method of choice of any preschool mother who is attempting to make a non-child purchase while accompanied by little sticky fingers...or get 5 minutes to herself.
Sometimes it takes the form of a favorite t.v. show so that we can shower alone.
Sometimes relinquishing the computer to our preteen so we can start cooking dinner.
In this case, it will be, just don't touch anything HERE and we'll go right over THERE to look next, okay?
Sometimes it works. Sometimes not so much. I'm stacking the odds in my favor by going right after lunch, a lunch I let them choose and make themselves. Full tummies ahead! Here's hoping all I come home with is a yoga mat.

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