Thursday, December 24, 2009

Have yourself a merry little Christmas...

This year, we're hibernating over Christmas. The ice/snow is drifting down outside, all pretty and sparkly. I can enjoy it knowing I'm not driving anywhere. I pray for my friends who are travelling though, and hope they've already arrived safely at their destinations, in Missouri, in Iowa, or across town.
Today was full of chaos, chasing tots away from the packages under the tree, retaping a few of afore-mentioned packages, debating which christmas specials/movies to watch on tv, cleaning, & making fudge, caramels, and marshmallows...that no one is allowed to eat until tomorrow.
Still ahead is the stuffing of the stockings...once that last holdout upstairs has gone to sleep.
This year, we don't have any real projects though, and I can't decide if I'm more sad or relieved not to have a bike to build or a train table to assemble. I look at our oldest sons gifts and see there isn't a single toy...and I don't think he'll miss it either. The only toys he asked for were building sets that were outside our means this year, but it's okay. I have one more shot before he's lost in the teen zone.
Our second son is starting to get there too. Last year his main gift was a video camera, but he was still happy to see his hot wheels. This year I hope he'll be happy too.
Our third child has the joy of Christmas in his heart all year round. He's a giving soul, shares whatever he has with whoever wants it, laughs easily, and always has a sparkle in eye and a spring in his step. He carefully alloted the little money he had to make sure he had a gift for everyone. This holiday brings out everything we love about him.
The youngest three bring about even more joy and chaos. They are the ones being constantly chased out of packages, trying to see what they'll get. They squeal at the lights, shred the paper, and stick fingers into the candy dish. I don't have too many years with ones like this left.
Though they try our patience, they're joy is infectious. It's unrestrained love and stickiness spreads around.

I love having a houseful of kids at Christmas, after all the star of the day is the babe, resting in a manger, surrounded by hay. Thank you Father, for allowing your son to be encased in flesh, and become one of us that day.

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