Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We're only halfway through the first day......

One dentist appointment down. The boys have folded four baskets of laundry. Now they're fixing lunch. It's really nice having our oldest home. Now I just need a crowbar to pry them off the couch to help clean the rest of the house, so we ALL can enjoy Dad's week off next week. Yet they are not convinced. Why should THEY have to work?

Reasons kids have chores.....beyond the trite "it teaches responsibility,etc."
Mostly it comes down to there are six of them and two of us.

1)IF they didn't fold their own laundry, I wouldn't have time to cook. They like eating. Therefore they fold.

2)If they didn't take care of their own rooms, they wouldn't be able to get out of them, because I'm not doing it.

3)Their father works eight hours a day, and comes home to do laundry, read stories, and take care of the dishes. Guess which one goes first if runs out of time because someone forgot to take out the trash and recycling, pick up the living room,etc.

4)When the house is caught up on Sunday, we often do a family activity like the zoo, park, games,etc. They'd rather do that than be memorizing sections and cleaning bathrooms. At least they say they would.....

5) IF they don't help bring in groceries, I might forget to buy something next time, like chips.

6) Staying together, helping herd toddlers, and pushing carts in grocery stores often has french fries at the end of the checkout line. Scattering, wrestling, and whining often has cold cuts and water....that they have to get themselves.

7) They like money. The more I have to remind them of their chores, the longer I "forget" to give them their allowances.

8) They like seeing their friends. If the chores aren't caught up, they can look at pictures.

9) Whining and stalling at chores begets more chores. If it takes too long to do something, then maybe they just need more practice. If it's not just automatic for them to help out when asked, they obviously need more expected of them.

10) Because I said so, and when mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

We still have another dentist appointment this afternoon, and I have lunch to fix for Princess P. So Happy Holidays to you! May the SON shine upon you.

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