Monday, December 21, 2009

We're gonna party like it's 2009!

Not quite as catchy as Prince, but all four of our older kids had room parties today...and I had the priviledge of helping with one, and observing moments from two others.

Our daughter was sooo excited when she came home from school today. She got a new book from the principal! Wrapped and everything! They had snacks and games...and now no school until January 4th. Oh my. Princess P is so happy to have her nemesis/best friend home.

I headed to the school around 1:30ish to help set up 5th grade. I love that group of kids. Our oldest is fun to be around and rather popular, so as his mother I kind of get rock star status too. Although the real star is the room mother for our class. She gets everything planned out the week before, so showing up to help is a snap. The kids had a great time, dancing, eating, and playing games, and grabbing some more "to-go" snacks after school.

Once fifth grade was in game mode, I chose to wander by my other two older boys classes. Chip's class was receiving their wrapped presents from the principal, and had discovered snowman straws made great whistles! Chip was to busy bending and shaking the package to notice though....I wonder, what does a book sound like? I hugged my bug and trotted down to third.

Bob was so busy goofing off with his friends, he didn't even notice me walk in the room. I always consider being ignored at a kid party a successHe really enjoyed the fruit-kabobs they had for snack too. It was nice to see how much fun he and his classmates had together.

After they got home, they divied up their extra snacks among the two young beggars, and raced to show us Christmas crafts and tell their stories. They're so excited to be home until NEXT year! Days like today are what I live for as a parent. Here's hoping the next two weeks are equally fun.

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