Sunday, September 7, 2008

I just had my best birthday, ever.

I didn't get lots of presents. The only material gift I received was from my mom. My cake and ice cream was generic swiss roles and gallon tub vanilla in front of a t.v. after the kids had gone to bed. We didn't do any special activity, just for me. Didn't matter. It's still number one.

My kids went the whole morning without an argument or complaint. The bigger kids got the littler ones breakfast so Dad & I could just hang out together a little longer. They kept the t.v. on approved preschool aged programming without being asked. They went on a couple of last minute errands before lunch without begging to eat out. It was great.

Right after lunch, our oldest had a soccer game in breezy, rainy weather...that his team lost. Yet the whole team remained positive, pointing out to each other how they had improved. My son helped bring the equipment up the hill without being asked. He was focused during the game and smiling afterwards. My in laws came to watch, and stayed! It was a great way to start the afternoon.

As soon as we were loaded up from that game, we had to hustle across town to our third son's first flag football game. It was raining more, and colder. The kids had forgotten their coats. There wasn't much room to play. Yet G'ma and G'pa stayed, and the kids alternated between watching and playing, and still no one complained. They were just happy their brothers team won! It was his first team game ever, and he cooperated every inch of the way.

After that, it was time for dinner! So we went to our favorite kids eat free on Saturday place. Everyone drank water, and no one complained. Everyone stayed at the table, and our family had a fun, relaxed meal together that I didn't have to cook! It was great.

Then we came home, and the kids showered, storied, and went to bed....with Dad supervising while I hit our favorite one dollar movie place. I got to watch a chick flick eating ice cream and swiss rolls, alone on the couch....and now it's quiet.

I've gotten to see how my kids are growing in character in great ways. That, truly made this the best birthday ever.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

Good for you! I'm so glad you enjoyed your day. And, it's such a blessing to me to see your contentment, (and excitement!) about where the Lord has you. I need to learn that.